30 August 2024

Alternative Game Notation

In case one desires to avoid bold, underlined, and bold underlined numerals in their Omnia documents and notes, the following alternative method of game notation is offered:

Alternative Game Notation

Use uppercase Roman numerals when referring to randomizers. E.g., an Ability rated at 3 would be III.

Use Arabic numerals when referring to Difficulty. E.g., a Difficulty of 4 would be 4.

Use lowercase Roman numerals when referring to penalties. E.g., a penalty of 2 would be ii.

So, Roman numerals refer to randomizers (uppercase for positive randomizers and lowercase for negative randomizers) and Arabic numerals refer to target numbers.

Would this overcomplicate things? Should I jettison it? Should I replace the other method of game notation with this one? This bears further consideration.

One complication just occurred to me: How would an audio reader narrate Roman numerals? Would it say, "Ability Roman numeral three" or "Ability I, I, I"? I'm not sure I like either option. Back to the drawing board...

[Edit: The read aloud function on my computer simply says, "Ability three." So, it's still a problem. It also makes no distinction between normal, bold, and underlined numerals. I may have to rethink the game notation entirely.]

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